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The German Institute for Employee Participation (DIMB) is a Berlin-based research & business hub that is committed to building a more collaborative work environment and enabling companies to reach their full performance potential.

DIMB cultivates empowerment in the workplace and drives the conversation in regard to all aspects of employee participation. We study and introduce new approaches, provide consultations, develop tailored solutions, and host training sessions — both online and offline — on the topics of workforce involvement, employee data protection, management frameworks, and more.

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Dr. Christopher Hahn Rechtsanwalt
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Dr. Christopher Hahn

  • Graduate of the Universities of Munich and Geneva, Doctor of International Trust Law

  • Founding partner at trustberg LLP, a boutique business law firm with offices in Berlin, Munich, and Frankfurt

  • Honorary Consul of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire accredited by German Federal Government

  • Lectures at the Berlin Weißensee Academy of Art 

  • Co-founder of the German Compensation Council

  • Management consultant for German and international startups

  • Lecturer, columnist, and published author specializing in employee participation, financing, and corporate law


What is the German Institute for Employee Participation?


The German Institute for Employee Participation (DIMB) advocates employee participation in both young and established medium-sized companies and provides advice to companies and their decision-makers, such as politics and the media.



What services does the DIMB offer?


The DIMB consists of three pillars:

  • The DIMB Think Tank works with experts to develop new ideas and approaches for digital processes, structures and perspectives for employee participation.

  • As part of our consulting services, we develop the best possible participation concept for employees and management as well as solutions on the basis of which you can exploit your existing growth potential.

  • The DIMB also organizes and accompanies events, training courses and webinars on employee participation, modern forms of design, employee data protection and other relevant topics.



What types of advice does DIMB offer?


We offer the following consultations:

  • individual advice on site

  • Individual consultation online (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, Skype, etc.)

  • Seminars / webinars



What are the thematic focuses of the Institute?


The thematic priorities of the German Institute for Employee Participation include:

  • Employee participation (equity participation / revenue sharing)

  • Management participation

  • Employee participation in a European and global context

  • Expertise for media and politics


Why should employees be involved in the company in addition to their salaries?


No HR management instrument has a more effective effect on motivation, loyalty and employer attractiveness than employee participation. This is especially true in times of a shortage of skilled workers and almost daily attempts to poach employees by headhunters.


Depending on the specific legal structure of the employee participation, the entrepreneur retains complete freedom of choice about "his" company and the employees participate in the entrepreneurial success like a co-entrepreneur.


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